Monthly Archives: March 2010

March Madness

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears. – Cesare Pavese

In 1854 Henry David Thoreau made the statement, “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.” The phrase has evolved and we know it today in a variation like, “He’s marching to the beat of a different drum.”

This refers back to the days when a drum and bugle corps was utilized by the military to set the pace for marching or to give direction in battle. If a soldier was out of step, or out of ranks, he was said to be hearing a different drum. He was receiving mixed signals, or a signal altogether different from what everyone else was hearing.

The danger of course is that one man out of step in a unit can throw others off, interfering with the progress of the unit as a whole. He may also find himself in danger as he will become separated from the group. Several people abandoning unity and going their own way causes confusion.

We understand the lesson that there is strength in numbers and that a unified force with a singular purpose will usually accomplish its goals more efficiently and effectively than random individuals acting on their own. In business terms we see that a company made up of many individuals working to achieve common goals will be more effective in the marketplace than a company full of people all going their own way.

This knowledge has been expressed in the past as companies use vision statements and motivational catch phrases to make sure that everyone is on the same page. If a company is going to reach its goals, then the employees need to know what those goals are and the strategies to achieve them. Fuzzy goals or an uncertain target almost always guarantee a miss. Offering specifics makes the objective clear. Even then there are those who get out of line, step out of the ranks, and go their own way.

The temptation to go our own way is based in the deep desire we all have to express our individualism. This, after all, is the American Way, right? Independence and pride are part of what has made this nation as great as it is. However, there is a difference between independence and selfishness. One can have an independent spirit while still contributing to the community as a whole. Being independent does not mean we are alone.

A self serving attitude that is mistaken for an independent streak will ultimately lead to isolation and even self destruction. The truth is that as independent as we may be, we need each other. In a nation, a company, or a family we are dependent upon one another to some extent. No man is an island.

No one can be so independent as to be beyond the need for others. Who would really want to be all alone? That is why the isolation chamber is such an effective threat as a form of punishment. Cutting people off from all other social contact will break the will and bend the mind of any person. Yet so often we mistake being alone for being independent and we drive ourselves crazy. Even rebellious loners usually are part of a gang. They are not really alone.

In business we may be told to “think outside the box” and learn to “march to the beat of a different drum.” But then we are also told that there is not an “I” in “team.” Look closely though, and rearrange the letters, and you will find “me” there! Together we are a team. And if we all think outside the box and march to the beat of different drums then we cannot achieve common goals. We will all be going our own way. Imagine the chaos.

The key to prevent this marching madness is learning to be independent without being isolated. Independence for a common cause calls others to join us and help us in reaching our goals. In fact, the greatest moments of independence the world has ever seen are moments when we all stood up as one. Independent individuals standing together as an independent community, unified in purpose and resolve, are unstoppable. That, after all, truly is the American Way.

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